Monday, May 2, 2011

Being a Mom and Questioning EVERYTHING!

Sophia, my beautiful baby girl will 7 weeks old this Wednesday. I cannot believe that time has flown by so quickly. It's amazing to think that the time that I was pregnant couldn't have crept by any slower and now that she's here, I cannot slow time down!

A a new mom, one questions everything. I lay awake at night thinking about the 90 million things I need to do ask my self one of a hundred questions, did I feed her enough, did I burp her, was she sleepy when I laid her down, is she too hot or too cold, and a thousand other things. It doesn't matter what people tell you, and truthfully sometimes that makes it harder, you question everything you do and you cannot make it stop. You cannot turn your brain off and you cannot help it; must be a mom thing or a Bess thing who knows!

Amine and I recently started trying the steps of the Ferber method with Sphia, better known as CIO or the "cry it out" method. It's not as awful as all the blogs and comments on the web say. In fact, it's been less painstaking then my husband and I taking turns every night walking around the house, bouncing, rocking, and trying all these wacky things to get her to go to sleep. We of course then gingerly lay her down hoping that she won't wake up screaming because she's not being held. So, against what everyone was saying, even our doctor....we began using the steps of the ferber method to get her to sleep on her own at night and during the day. She's been sleeping longer, better and wakes up rested and ready to eat.

I never thought being a parent would be this hard...really! I honestly thought that with my background in childcare and babysitting AND teaching that I would really just "know" what to do. Haha, yeah right! At the very least this whole parenting experience, so far, has been incredibly humbling and taught me patience....which I am still working on.

What also amazes me is how I miss her when she sleeps or when I haven't seen her for while or how, even when she is sleeping, I think about her and what I am doing constantly; AND constantly question myself. :-). I love being a mommy and I love love love my little Sophia.

1 comment:

  1. Bess, you guys are doing a great job. Think about that.
